Product Updates

September 2024 - Product Updates

October 1, 2024
4 min

🌄 Summer may have slipped away, but Swift lept forward this September 🍂🚀

Despite the leaves falling and the weather cooling down, our team keeps firing up new updates for you! Did somebody say product sales? 👀

In case you missed some of the serious improvements (invoicing, door locks, tax rates, and more) this summer, check out our July and August product updates to learn more.

As for this month, here’s a list of new features shipped:

  1. Retail & product sales
  2. Reordering services
  3. Calendar event improvements
  4. Rich text descriptions for the branded mobile app
  5. New social media links

Like always, strap in… this is gonna be good 🏎️

🛒 Retail & Product sales

Another massive new feature just shipped this week. It’s been long requested by our facilities for a way to itemize and sell products natively through Swift. While this has been possible with the one-off charges payment gateway, Swift was not able to support multiple items or a guest checkout experience. Enter product sales!

How does it work?

Under the new “Retail” tab you’ll find two new categories. First, navigate to “Products” to enter product details and prices. 

Once your products are set up you can navigate to the “Sales” tab and begin a checkout. Here, you can add multiple products (and quantities), add your customer, and take payment. If no customer is selected, you can still complete the checkout process by accepting cash or through the POS terminal.

You can also complete a “Quick Sale” which operates the same as the one-off charges from the customer profile.

⏪ Reordering services

A frustration amongst our facilities is an inability to manually reorder services on the booking page. Users would add numbers or lettering to services as a workaround. Now, within the Swift admin, you can easily toggle the order by hovering over the service and clicking on the appropriate arrow.

Once changes are made within the admin side, your booking page will be updated instantly ⚡

📆  Calendar event improvements

Another set of small but mighty improvements that shipped this past month were on the Calendar page. Earlier, when customers booked online their name would show up as the primary title. Which is awesome, but a major detail that was missing at-a-glance was the service they'd booked (Hitting Lesson, Camp, etc). It also wasn't clear which events were recurring vs. which ones were one-off.

No longer! Event subtitles and titles have gotten smarter - showing the customer, service type, and each event comes with a new recurring symbol for events that repeat multiple times. The little details go a long way 🤌

📝 Rich text descriptions for the branded mobile app

Swift’s branded mobile apps now support rich text descriptions similar to the branded booking page. TLDR: this allows you as a mobile app user to format your description for services better, calling out key information, and stylizing as you see fit.

📱 New social media links

Keeping up with the times, Swift has added support for a TikTok social link on the branded booking page. Another small improvement here is a more logical ordering (your website link first) and an update to the X logo (from Twitter).

Okay… that’s all… for now 👀

📅 What’s next?

Our team is committed to making Swift a better, faster, and easier experience for you, your staff, and your customers. We still have lots planned to finish out 2024 strong!

Here’s what’s coming soon: 

  • Signing waivers for customers on the admin side
  • A new "4th role" of staff permissions for admin & biz partners
  • Push notifications for facilities with the branded mobile app
  • Staff-based calendar view to make it easier for coaches & trainers to see their schedule
  • Improvements to our email blast offering (attachments, images, etc)
  • Our first in-person event! A facility owners dinner in January (stay tuned 👀)
  • + lots more…

To stay in the loop with the latest updates, be sure to follow us on Twitter @runswiftapp 

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