Product Updates

July 2024 - Product Updates

August 1, 2024
8 min

One of our founding principles at Swift is building a product for the future. That means, shipping relentlessly. With that, we want to bring the largest product updates to date in our history to your attention!

What’s New

Our team has been full-steam ahead since the spring – literally. We last sent a product update email n March (yikes) 😬

The good news is, we have a ton to share! 

Here are the major features/updates shipped since March:

  1. 24x7 Door locks integration
  2. Invoicing
  3. Gift cards
  4. Tax rates
  5. Credit visibility improvements
  6. 30-minute time slot increments

And a few others worth mentioning: 

  1. 2X'ing our team!
  2. Lots of small bug fixes and improvements

🔐 Door Locks: 24/7 Remote Access

Swift has teleported to the future…..We now officially integrate with numerous smart lock companies to offer our facilities 24/7 remote access.

If you aren’t familiar with smart door locks, they typically are installed on the front door of your facility, allowing clients to gain access with a code. 

In Swift, we’ve created the ability to generate unique one-time codes automatically sent to clients after booking. These codes will only be active 15-30 minutes before the booking, and will expire immediately after - meaning they cannot re-enter the building unless they’re let in by a staff member or through another booking code.

Why is this helpful? 

This is a massive new way for you to maximize profitability at your business and stand out from your competition. With smart locks, you can now run your business unstaffed during off-hours (which means thicker margins! ) and increase off-peak bookings

Want to get setup? Reach out to us at and we'll help you out!

📄 Invoicing 

A common request is the ability to send and track invoices within Swift. Sometimes large organizations or the most die-hard clientele would rather pay in large lump sums either upfront or if they’re good for it, at the end of an off-season.

There was no good way to do this in Swift, and now there is 🚀

How it works

By navigating to a customer profile you’ll see the new “Invoices” tab. Here you can see a simple overview of invoices paid, generated, outstanding, etc, and the ability to create new invoices.

Within the “New Invoice” module, you can add various line items, their quantities, and prices. You can choose a specific due date and also automatically notify the customer via email. 

Once an invoice is created you can collect payment through a POS or cash, cheque, etc.

💳 Gift Cards: Give a Gift with GiftUp

If memberships, credits, and discounts don’t feel enough for your customers we have finally launched the ability to generate and track gift cards with our integration with GiftUp!


To get setup, navigate to the “Gift Cards” tab under the “Marketing” settings. From there you’ll be directed to our Help Center which will walk you through each step of the setup process.

💸 Tax Rates

Long asked for, tax rates officially shipped last week! Up until now, all prices in Swift were tax-inclusive. Now you can set specific tax rates for each service within Swift. This should make bookkeeping a bit easier, especially in states where tax rates vary by service.

This also means now all reporting will showcase tax and be exportable for when it comes time for tax season.

How to set them up:

Navigate to the “General” tab under “Settings” and you’ll see a new setting under facility details to add tax rates. 

Here, you can add a tax rate by specifying a name and a percentage. You can add as many taxes as you need - but tax will not be applied until it is enabled under the specific service settings.

You can visit any service page, and open up Advanced Settings. You'll now see a new "Collect tax" toggle, which you can enable and choose the tax rate to apply.

Once a tax rate has been assigned to a service, customers will automatically start seeing tax applied on their checkout, both on the branded booking page as well as the branded app!

👀 Credit Visibility 

With Swift growing to more facilities than ever, credits are becoming a hot currency. However, we haven’t been pleased with the visibility of credits associated with memberships. 

Nothing’s worse than one of your clients asking you "how many credits do I have left in the month" and you not being able to give them an answer. So we fixed this! 🙌


This means you’ll now be able to view real time credit usage and history attached to memberships! Simply visit the Credits tab under a Customer's profile, and you'll be able to see their remaining credits on file, along with a full breakdown of their credit usage history. Your customers will also be able to do the same on their end, under their account profile.

🧭 30-Minute Slot Increments

Since the start Swift has always been built to optimize your facility. With that in mind, we have a new feature allowing you to control how you’d like your bookings to be presented to clients.

Phew.. that was a lot 😮💨

📅 What's next?

As always, we're constantly working on making Swift a better, easier, faster, and sleeker experience for you, your staff, and your customers. We want the product to be a joy to use.

SO here's what's coming soon:

  • Payroll report updates & the ability to track commission or hourly pay
  • Selling merch, inventory, and other pro-shop items
  • Push notifications for facilities with the branded mobile app
  • and a lot more...

To stay in the loop with the latest updates, be sure to follow us on Twitter @runswiftap.

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