
5 Customer Service Frustrations Solved by Facility Management Software

October 17, 2024
3 min

Customer service complaints suck the life out of any business. As a sports facility owner, these complaints pile up and take time away from where it matters most - training athletes.

Feeling overwhelmed with dozens of emails, phone calls, and texts? Read on to learn how facility management software like Swift can become your superpower.

1 - Double Bookings

A common complaint for facilities still managing their scheduling by hand or using archaic software is double bookings. Two customers showing up to your front desk at the same time and fighting over who reserved the space first is not fun for anyone. Your staff will have to mediate an uncomfortable situation and regardless your customers will leave feeling like your business is “sloppy” or “unprofessional”.

The frustration is justified, and easily avoided with modern facility management software that allows you to replicate your physical space into a digital calendar. These softwares will automatically check for double bookings, preventing them from happening entirely (both for your customers and staff)! In newer softwares like Swift, this also works for recurring events. Meaning you can create and adjust weekly events without worrying about creating a conflict on a later date.

2 - No Shows

People are busier than ever. Susan is juggling her job, family responsibilities, and a million other things. Remembering when her son’s pitching lesson is this week is nearly impossible if there is no reminder email or text message sent to her pocket. 

As a facility owner, you might not hear this as a complaint per se but do some digging and you will find a higher-than-average no-show rate if your current scheduling process lacks automatic reminders. This hurts your business in two parts:

  1. No shows = refunds = lost revenue 

When Susan inevitably remembers that she missed her son’s lesson this week she is likely to ask for a refund, taking money out of your pockets.

  1. No shows = added administrative hours

Best case scenario, your no shows email or call in asking to reschedule. More likely, as a business owner you will be the one reaching out. These seem like insignificant tasks, but as your business scales, this could become hours per week spent dealing with customers that is completely avoidable by using a modern scheduling platform.

In modern software like Swift, your customers will be notified automatically 24 hours before their booking with all the pertinent information.

3 - Difficulty in Rescheduling or Canceling Appointments

Without facility management software, you will be handling a constant stream of rescheduling or cancellation requests. For a new facility, this might seem manageable. Fast forward a few months though, and you are bound to be drowning in these types of requests - wishing you had invested upfront to streamline your booking process.

Facility management software will allow your customers to manage their own bookings, rescheduling or canceling within a single click, saving you dozens of hours per week.

4 - Limited or Unclear Pricing Options at Booking

Living in a world of convenience, paying for a batting cage online with a credit card should be the standard. Not only does this reduce no-show rates for your facility, but with clear and transparent pricing you might attract more customers than if you run your scheduling manually, forcing customers to contact for pricing rates or to book their times.

Utilizing facility management software will also open your facility up to additional pricing options like Gift Cards, Coupons, and Packages/Credits which can solve numerous customer service issues and generate additional revenue.

5 - Membership Management

Memberships are a tried and true revenue generator for sports facilities. Managing these recurring payments manually is virtually impossible - Just ask Tyler LeClair of IYG Baseball on their switch from pen & paper. TLDR: they tripled their revenue by managing memberships through Swift.

Beside the recurring payments, software like Swift can enable specialty pricing for members and other perks like credits - leading to an enhanced customer experience for your regulars. Equipped with membership management, your facility can move beyond a simple “unlimited access” membership. Creating a membership tier can segment out your customer base, giving each their own specific usage limits or restrictions, credits, discounted pricing, and additional perks like first access to bookings exclusive to your most premium membership.

Happy Customers, Huge Growth

If any of the above common customer service complaints resonated with your business, Swift is here to help.

With a team of industry experts, and experience helping hundreds of sports facilities, Swift is more than just a facility management software – it’s your next business partner.

If you’re looking for help reclaiming your time, creating a better experience for your customers, and leveling up your businesses revenue, book a demo with a member of our team. We’ll go step-by-step through how Swift can run your facility on autopilot.

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